11th August 2012, 11:52 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,070
I'm not quite ready to form any conclusions yet as I've not really committed anything to analysis. There looks to be a profit to be made from backing the top rated selection if you can secure say between 30% to 100% overs. I wouldn't be going much over that though, and this conclusion is really only from sight. The prices used here are reasonably close for the top selection but I'd be ignoring anything else. I'm intending on re-pricing everything soon.
I've done a small amount of testing on weekday country races and the Crowd Rating appear to perfom quite well there. If you stick to the good to dead tracks the Saturday country races probably perform to the average.
Sorry I've really not given it much thought yet 
Pixie "It's worth remembering that profit isn't profit until it's spent off the racecourse." -- Crash