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Old 2nd June 2004, 08:32 AM
Go-Long Go-Long is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: victoria
Posts: 117

To Crash and Shaun,
Thankyou for your comments.
My recent retirement has allowed me the luxury of a rather large punting bank, which hopefully will continue to grow.
I take your constructive critiscism seriously and will endeavour to do as you suggest, Shaun. I guess the excitement of what has transpired and the hope for the future has probably led me a little astray into an area of vunrability. Suffice to say I will now take some time and further review past action and determine which area can be maintained and which requires disposing of. Will continue current posts of selections whilst in review and will attempt to reduce the quantity and maintain the quality.For you Crash I can see it is quite mind boggiling to see 30-60 bets in one day. I must admit that at first I thought the same, but when I saw the end result, I thought ok it is plenty of action but the pot is growing, however I take the point that more does not always mean MORE $$$. Will update when info available, meanwhile goodm luck and good punting

Go Long & Wide
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