10th November 2012, 11:41 AM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,534
Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
1. How big a sample with a strike of say 75%-80% ?
I go with gut feel but I would need at least 300 for a 75% strike rate.
You could use at least 200 winners as the general rule. So if your strike rate is expected to be 75% then you get a winner every 1.33 races determined by 1/.75. So in this case you would want at least 266 selections.
Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
2. Do you have an equation for this so that we can check different SR's
See above.
Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
3. Please clarify your logic regards point 5 in relation to sample size and odds
X bets should be at least 30 bets or 5/(1/[average odds]) and no more then 5% of the total number of bets.
You determine your POT for each expected 5 winners as a minimum. So if you had average odds of $10 then it would require at least 5/(1/10) = 50 selections. If your average odds was $2 then you require at least 5/(1/2) = 10 seelctions.
Personally I use a minimum of 30 bets per sequence. Lets assume I havea system which has 900 bets tested. I can divide this up into 30 bets each sequence. You work out the profit for each 30 bets sequence and plot it on a bar graph. You should see most of the POT's be around a certain figure and show a bell curve. If it doesn't show a bell curve then you have not done enough testing.
Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
PS any chance of a resurrection for the system tester in 2013?
I do need to get this going again. I haven't had a chance to set it up though.