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Old 23rd November 2012, 09:42 PM
SpeedyBen SpeedyBen is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 462

Originally Posted by Shaun
Does anyone have experience laying favs in running?

How hard would it be to lay a fave between $2-$2.50?

I know that if they blow the start the price would move out, but how often does the price fall bellow the levels mentioned with people still wanting to take a lay bet on them?
A word of warning. Don't lay them if they lead.
I never lay favs in running but I do back them - much safer. I have a mate who backs favs who miss the start or get back especially if the stats indicate that the on pace runners are not favoured at the course/ distance.
One trick that works quite often is to lay a fav pre race that you know gets back and back it at a (usually) better price when they do. You can let it ride or green up.
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