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Old 30th November 2012, 05:01 PM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091
Default Unleash The Beast (The Sequel)

I've had a few small things go my way recently for the first time for yonks. Had a horror year or two losing my better half this year after a long battle with cancer. I've found many people in the same boat, it's unusual, and I'm posting this 'coz someone who needs a lift may just get something out of it, and it may be just the distraction they need.

Sit down with a drink, you're in for a treat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’ve invented the mother of all systems and I’m prepared to share the concept.

Every conceivable method of testing, has this in serious profit. It’s definitely outside the square as far as systems go, but it is a system in it’s true sense, with definite rules. It’s a system where an original base of six filters is consistently used for the purpose of “following a horse” for a certain number of starts with the introduction of different filters at various stages of it’s campaign / each run after the original base of filters. It’s absolutely brilliant in that it “accepts” bad luck, bad placement by the trainer etc, etc, and feeds off the increased odds when the form “looks bad”, but this only happens at one run in the campaign. Good form is taken into account in only one of the horse’s runs after it qualifies. The other two runs after the original base filters, the form doesn’t matter. One run has poor form allocated as a filter. When these horses qualify the system shows a healthy POT, and after these horses qualify, the system shows a POT on their first run, the system shows a POT on the second run and so on, every run for the next four starts !!!!! Not for each individual horse obviously, but the overall system for each and every start turns a profit. The original base filters have six rules. For runs one, two, three and four after the horse qualifies, there are additional filters included, three filters for run number one and two after qualifying, two filters for runs number three and four, after qualification.

A further example of how this works. Horse qualifies, we back it – 1st run after it qualifies we add three additional filters to the base filters, 2nd run we add three different filters to the original base filters (we take out the three additional filters for the 1st run after the horse qualifies and replace it with a different set of three additional filters ….. in this case we take advantage of the horse being overlooked by the market for one bad run) …. , 3rd & 4th run after qualification we add two filters (nothing to do with form) to the original base filters. Note; whenever we add filters, they’re only added to the original base filters. The additional filters for 1st run after qualification for instance, is the only time those particular filters are used. They’re not added permanently, the only permanent filters are the base filters, of which there are six and they are included in all runs.

It’s the ideal system really, it takes into account everything that the races can throw at you and returns the favour with better odds when the horse runs poorly, and also takes into account natural progression / improvement / good form of horses as they go through the classes. The key are the factors around the qualifying race.

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