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Old 9th December 2012, 09:22 AM
michaelg michaelg is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,790

Hi, U.B.

The edge you are referring to is price-related. Interestingly, a few years ago someone on one of the forums (could even have been this one) said he was making good money by backing on Betfair the horses that had shorter prices than the TAB. However he didn't mention if they were in the top of the market or with all qualifying horses regardless of price. I remember a couple of times whilst I was at my computer I noticed that there were quite a few winners (and placegetters) that started under $10 where the Betfair price was less than that of the NSWTAB.

To do this one has to be at one's computer or have an automated system, and also there may not be much action.

I prefer to lay S.P. early, and I can only do this not by price but system-related that hopefully produces an edge.
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