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Old 9th December 2012, 05:06 PM
Lord Greystoke Lord Greystoke is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,237

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
I don't think there's such a thing as staking "edge" in the classic gaming sense of the word - advantage over the house. The amount you stake is/should be a product of the edge offered by your selection. No amount of imagined "staking edge" can compensate for negative "selection edge".

Was referring to a selection edge or positive expectancy in the first instance, which is then leveraged on or geared up by an aggressive staking strategy.

Both being part of an overall 'edge' in that the combination of the two will produce a superior outcome to Joe P's plan, or lack of etc i.e. we are not talking about an "imaginary outcome" or some kind of "fools gold" where the staking plan is expected to compensate for an inferior selection method.

Rather, both pull together in the same direction.

Cheers LG
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