Thread: One For Barny
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Old 9th December 2012, 09:36 PM
mattio mattio is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 268

Originally Posted by Barny
mattio, You're just plain inconsistent when you suggest that some of my filters are backfitted (or whatever term you want), then you put up a couple of your own filters which are apparently not backfitted like track and distance winner. How is that particular filter different to me restricting my betting between $4 and $30 for instance ? There's no logic at all in what you say. My career runs of between 8 and 21 starts, I've been usuing for a ling, long time and it's designed to get a horse that may still have imporvement left in it ..... you "c" and "d" is designed to get a horse that can handle the track and distance, yet your filter is "pure" whereas mine is backfitted, and implied as useless ?? Geoff Murphy never bet on hids horses if they were less tha 4 / 1 ($5.00), because he knew with his S/R he could win this way. Ity's lucky for him he didn't know he was backfitting !?

..... and then you've got no first uppers !! Nope, no logic there at all mattio, you just reckong your filters are the bees knees, that's it.
Barny you can use whatever filters you want for as ling or as long as you want mate, like I said this post was not to have a go at your filters. My goal for the post was to make people aware that basically all filters are a result of some kind of backfitting and to say that a filter is not backfitted is not true because "backtesting" is how we come up with our filters.

As for my filters being the bees knees I am pretty sure that I never said that, they are logical and they work for me which is all that matters.......and I never once said any of them were "magical" either.

Let's look at your filter of $4 and $30.....why did you choose those numbers, why didn't you choose $5 and $25, or $4 and $20? Was it because you found that you got better results from that price bracket? That is fine, it works for you and I can't recall bagging it anywhere in my post.

Not betting in races with first up horses (or first starters) is one of the most logical filters around, there are so many possible surprises you can get from first up horses or first starters and since there are thousands of races each year I can pick and choose whatever races I works for me and that is all that matters.
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