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Old 11th December 2012, 02:15 PM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091

Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
Speaking of edges, can someone please remind me of...

1. the minimum sample of races to measure it realistically eg 150?
2. how to measure it (POT?) and confirm it's valid eg chi test(XL ss formula?), lopsided bell curve of 1/odds for all winners etc ?
3. how to convert the edge into a suitable staking plan (% of bank?)

Cheers LG

PS sure I have seen the answer to these Qs at some point but all in one place... not so sure!

These are 4 legged horses we're talking about, running around various tracks, at various stages of fitness, with varying levels of ability, where luck plays it's part and the only thing that's consistent is it's randomness ?? Looks like a mathematical formula for the launch of a space shuttle ..... It's a joke, right ??
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