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Old 20th December 2012, 10:02 AM
stugots stugots is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 879

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
Web services are a standard approach in the industry. I can fully understand why they did this. There are a lot of people ripping off their data with no gain to them (ie, they don't bet with the tab).

Betfair uses the exact same method (web services), it is just that there are a lot more examples of how to access the betfair services then the tab's.

It shouldn't be too hard to get the data in excel and there would be 1000's of examples of how to use a web service out there.

how many web sites do you see showing tab prices? There would be thousands and none of these sites bet. They just show the odds.

This is what they are trying to discourage.

Unfortunately they have done it at the expense of their end users, most of whom do not have the programming knowledge necessary to make sense of the gobly gook that is the 'web services' approach they have decided upon.

No doubt some bright spark will cash in shortly with 'pay for' app of some sort that will allow us mugs to once again integrate the Tab site with Excel, at present it is complicated beyond belief, even their own people struggle with offering any useful advice or a logical approach to take.
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