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Old 24th December 2012, 04:33 PM
Neurokahuna Neurokahuna is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 18

Hi Shaun,

Thanks for the comments. I do have an account with them and can see the extra form info that you mentioned, which I get using a standard Web Query when I am logged in to the site. Otherwise, it just throws an error message and blank data.

Unfortunately, don't have an xml feed for that info....yet. I reckon it is because it is 'behind closed doors', so to speak and that is why it isn't made public. Here is a sample I got jsut by clicking on a horse in today's race at Tamworth and I wasn't even logged in. use a bit of smarts and you may be able to pull it off their site without even logging in....Might have a tinker with that on Xmas Day.

Having said that, I have a more advanced version of this file that uses some clever logic derived from the existing xml feeds to determine the winners in races, which is quite easy, but it is still a 'work-in-progress' for those damned elusive but appealing trifectas. :-)

Merry Xmas all.
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