Thread: Calling Vortech
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Old 27th December 2012, 06:29 PM
beton beton is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 589

Originally Posted by Barny
Vortech, try and find a system with no form ..... for instance NO Win%, p/money, last start placed or beaten margin, career starts and so on. I ask you 'coz you have said you now have many systems at your disposal, and it's my contention that if you can find a system or two with NO FORM filters you're on a winner. I have a couple of such systems and they're consistent through any test period, and indeed at any venue in Australia, Country or Metro.

I'm not asking that you give up your system so that all and sundry can see it, but maybe an acknowledgement that exclusively the NO FORM filters produce consistency that your other systems simple cannot compete with. It's what I've found anyway .....

Barny everything with the exception of barrier draw and colours is form related. I challenge you to prove that you have a NO FORM system that is PROFITABLE. Otherwise you are guilty of the very thing that you chastise others for. Beton
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