Thread: Calling Vortech
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Old 28th December 2012, 12:34 PM
moeee moeee is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 5,359

My Profit is irrelevant.
I don't claim to have found anything that anyone else before me hasn't , and then make as though I am winning with what appears to me to be irrational and irrelevant.

I made a Profit , and am currently at about 16% Turnover.
But that depends what Pool is being measured.
The bottom Line is I have more Bank than I had at the start of the year,

It is not too hard to determine the Factors that determine the outcome of a Race Vortech.
I don't believe those Factors have changed in 50 years.
Animals need to cross the Line first , and it is up to the Punter to determine whether the animal has what will be needed to win today.

That an animal has had 20 starts prior to today or 120 starts prior to today has absolutely ZERO to do with winning todays Race.
NOR has its sex.
NOR colour.
NOR whether it comes from 1000 kilometres away for this event.

I feel Punters sometimes that aren't doing too well start looking elsewhere for something that simply isn't there , but it was there in the first place , but the Punter simply doesn't have the skill to use and apply it.
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