28th December 2012, 05:53 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217
Originally Posted by beton
Exactly. You are waiting for Barny to impart his promise to you. For him to give you a glimmer of light. We all are. We have all got our little secrets that we hold close. However we still point people in the right direction and help them. Barny IS NOT GOING TO SHARE PERIOD. and while he scoffs at all that try, then there will not be much said. Go back to when Barny started on the forum and take a list of posters. and ask yourself where have most gone? and ask why. DON'T ASK. DEMAND THAT A SENSE OF DIGNITY REMAINS IN THE FORUM. I am not asking for any one to leave. Just pull their head in a bit.
PS If I get booted I don't care. It will show that the management is blind and prepared to good go elsewhere in support of craaap.
Beaton, You and I and Barny have had good discussions previously. I remember when I started the Pareto Principle thread. Which apparently was Mark11 because their was one of a similar name many years ago.
I know that Barny is not going to share, he told me that a long time ago, but, he still does get one to rethink their stratergies even if he does spesk in riddles and sometimes appears to contradict himself when we read back or remember some of his posts.
To me, nothing really wrong with that, my position is never constant. Although, I think I am right in saying that many times in his threads and replies that for a system to be successful the rules must have some logic in them, buggar if I can see any in his latest "No Form " system, hence it would of been good for him to explain his thinking a bit better.