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Old 28th December 2012, 07:44 PM
ianian ianian is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 74
Default Maybe life times

Its 36 NUMBERS plus I GREEN there are two greens on some and the correct number pays 36 to 1

The 1 green tables make for a 2.5% loss on red ,black odds ,evens which pay even money and apart from table biaises i dont think any one has ever won over longer times no matter what staking plans they have tried.

These odds are fixed and any random bets at any size you still lose and while you may double your bank a couple of times then lose one you should hit a point where you lose 3 banks in a row to equal things out - the trick is to hope it dosent happen in your life time - all these things have been run through computers and if its a fixed loss they dont work.

But if its a small profit it still comes down to turn over - these runs of good and bad can take years to play out with massive runs both ways.
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