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Old 31st December 2012, 09:08 PM
michaelg michaelg is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,790
Wink Another Snippet of Interest?

I've been looking at another neural Place method which over the past three days hasn't performed too badly.

1) CP and CF categories on a setting of 3, all others on zero.
2) $2.50 and less in the resulting neural market.
3) Must be placed at last start.

The results for the three days of Place betting $1 on QLD TAB for each selection are:

Bet $22
Return $22.20

Bet $15
Return $18.90

Bet $15
Return $16.60

There have been 52 selections for 35 placegetters for a return of $57.70 which is a 10% POT.

On Win betting there were 16 winners for a return of $51.60. This is a loss of $0.40 which would most likely be a profit on Betfair.

I should have time tomorrow, and if so will list the selections.
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