1st January 2013, 09:58 PM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 464
Originally Posted by UselessBettor
How about 1 more filter. Only lay those that have a bookies odds of $20 or higher.
Although this means you will will get less as the betfair odds will be longer it will also drop out those selections which won at less then $20. Its also a good complimentary filter to use as confirmation that the don scott markets are not out of whack with reality.
The problem with this filter is you need to do it at race time which does limit the system.
I think that this is excellent advice for any longshot laying method, UB. I have previously posted in this thread that where ratings and the market are way out of whack the market will prove more accurate more often. A bot would be needed and I see that TheBetEngine is still available for $16 per month.