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Old 5th January 2013, 07:07 PM
Lord Greystoke Lord Greystoke is offline
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Originally Posted by bernie
Maybe. But are we any closer to the Holy Grail? I think not.

When it comes to the search for the HG, every man has his own crusade I feel i.e. Less of the 'we' and more of the 'me', in this respect.
Also, with one or two big life journeys under my belt.. is becoming apparent to me that we could get to the end of the journey and realise that we have had the shiny mug in our sweaty palms the whole time. The answer being the journey itself of course, and the benefit of wisdom gathered along the way.

Better to say that we have lived our lives in search for the blessed thing most of our days (if it is a thing) and travelled the long and windy road, rather than not having lived at all ?

Here endeth...

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