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Old 6th January 2013, 02:13 PM
Star Star is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 217

I am bumping this because I believe it has an important part to play in life and on the punt.

Why am I so sure? Well, for one I know the reverse is almost true. When Taken at the low tide I know that I cannot take a trick, and when you are on a downer sometimes it is a long road back.

Lately, I have taken a greater interest in my selections, more importantly the short priced ones. For me, at least, the shorter the price the worse the ride or run of the race.

So much so that I have called a halt and am trying to do some forensic research into the failures. Not that I have lost a lot I haven't, my mid price selections are doing ok, but the trend is not right with these shorties.

Now, it is easy to say, foget them and worry about my winning range which I might do but it is a conundrum that I would like to solve.

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