6th January 2013, 07:41 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 259
Originally Posted by Star
Aussie, just for clarification. In your previous post you say you have seen systems run for three years and collapse because they were a fluke , a long fluke.
And here you have described what the HG is to you. With 1200 selections per month are they computer generated system bets or do they have human modification before the bet is made.
Just curious.
computer generated.
i bet everyday - around 25k per week - so I can lose a bit fairly quickly when things goes off the rails - whenever i have my run of outs - I think "will this be it - is this the start of the demise"
I was down 9k for January alone - but got it all back today.
tomorrow ? who knows?
so far - so good.