Originally Posted by Shaun
DD, if you got to know the guys running it at the time you wouldn't say that, they provided a wealth of info that is now lost.
Yeah they may have sold products but they backed thier own judgment and ran the best tipping comp on the net, maybe i was biased because i came second but was still well organised.
They were never afraid to let a person say what they were thinking about even if it conflicted with advertisers.
No Mark, never got an e-mail
I said I would post rarely, and I mean to keep to that, but I agree with you about what has been lost. The quality of the site fell away badly after about 2008. But, trolls started to post, and the real Professionals got jack of it, and stopped posting. But, I still used to go over the stuff which was there from the early days of the site. There was material there which was as good as any book I had ever read. Much of it came from PAce themselves.
There was plenty about staking sensibly, money management, record keeping, bookmakers and exchanges. I learnt so much. The main thing I learnt was that punting did not involve merely high strike rates without regard to price on offer. Also, the real Pros do not seek unrealistically high returns. In other words, they took into account the fact that punting is a long term thing.
You got good advice like "Do not get increase your risks after a lucky streak!", "Never chase losses!", "If it does not work at level stakes (at least within a narrowish price range), it does not work. Period!"
Then, there were some very good tips given, (with notable exceptions, but you were a fool not to check them out for a while first), and of course, for guys like yourself, Tipping Comps.
Finally, the email mentioned by Mark which you never got never came to me either.
Shaun, seeing that PM facilities seem to be permanently disabled here, (probably because of abuse by trolls and the like), feel free to email me at any time if you feel so inclined. I stlll correspond with some of the best who were on that site, even after they departed no longer wanting to put up with the troll types. But only if you feel so inclined.
Even though I will not post much, I reckon that I will soon suss out the wheat from the chaff here. Something that has been going as long as this site must have some good contributors!