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Old 28th February 2013, 11:50 AM
evajb001 evajb001 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 463

Garyf, not sure if your happy to share or not but i'm interested in how you use state, metro, prov, country etc to aid in your process. Can discuss via email if you wish.

In terms of my fitness variable I haven't taken into account state etc, i've just used distance, conditions and runs this prep. However in terms of the barrier and turn variables i've used venue and distance.

For example all my barrier and turn stats for Flemington and specific to the stats recorded at flemington for distance ranges i posted above. If I don't have the stats recorded for a venue i've just been using the averages of all venues I do have recorded.

In my previous ventures with ratings I had noticed quite a difference between venues however I was recording all my bets in terms of tatts code (MR, VR, AR etc) so unfortunately for SA and WA a race at morphettville for example was recorded with the same code as a race at Port Lincoln. I'm not sure I can record it any other way with how my spreadsheet is formatted but as I said, still very interested in how you apply those details.
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