8th March 2013, 10:49 PM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 462
Originally Posted by Vortech
Sorry for going off topic here.... but I've never layed a bet before but starting to take some interest.
I have going at the moment with a bookmaker a bonus $100 bet which I placed on a golfer @ $34.00 to win the Masters.
Should I be smart and invest some coin now on laying the same golfer to get a win win situation?
I still follow the lay rules Saturday races, lay every runner that has won less than 1 in 6, provided they have had at least 10 starts, and horses that are still maidens after 10 starts or more with much interest just on paper and it performs quite well too.
Apologies also for going off topic but where is the easiest place to see the last 10 run info?