9th March 2013, 07:04 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 148
Originally Posted by SpeedyBen
How long do you consider to be the test of time, Bernie.
Hi speedy. How long is a piece of string? I've been studying systems for over 45 years and I'm still to be convinced there is a winning system or Holy Grail. Yes, I agree there is luck and some have it, most don't.
There is a system posted on this forum some time ago that I thought was a winner. I recorded results for over 1,000 races. For the first 500 races it was making about 15% POT but after that it was all down hill. I tweaked it this way and that but could never get it back on track. So, in answer to your question, the sky's the limit. There is no test of time. Gambling is gambling and we know who wins in the end. Very seldom is it the punter although many like to make out they do in the anonymity of forums like this.
By the way, I'm always available to meet with anyone who wishes to prove otherwise. Those avid gamblers will have heard of a guy named Turbo Genius, a man who said he never lost whenever he played roulette. I offered to pay his airfares from the States and accommodation also if he could prove it. I'm still waiting.