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Old 13th March 2013, 02:13 PM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743

Originally Posted by The Ocho
Alright, after a stuff up with our flooring (the shop said it would be laid today but the installer said - Oh no, it needs to acclimatize first - FFS!!),

In defense of the flooring guy. If it's a timber floor it does need to acclimatise. In todays rush rush society I've seen floors go down too quickly only to shrink and leave unsightly cracks between the boards.
I'm feeling good about the current state of testing lay systems amongst forumites. For me Laying should be about finding the SHORTEST priced horse that's not going to Win, not the LONGEST!!
Your pattern recognition system is along those lines and I offer you every encouragement. I just feel that it may need a neural or some other form of filter to refine it.
Good luck RP
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