16th March 2013, 06:16 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Qld
Posts: 1,400
Well I hope you've all learnt a very important lesson these last 2 weeks.
Never lay 1 out, or 2 out or even 3,4,5 out, lay the lot.
Never take the word of a friend unless you've researched what they're telling you. My alleged mate insisted I add first uppers to my list, and well you saw how they went today. Took the cream well and truly off the top. There were no less than 5 winners that I would not have given extra attention to. (Add back $30 for each winner !!!)
Never publicise something that has been making you money. There's no forum curse but it does make you wonder.
Tread very warily when the Saturday meeting is not a real city meeting.
Today's loss for the record was $85.97 which put a dent in my bookmaking profits. With only 5 favs winning today it should have been huge, oh well.
Vortech, SR4 1, never back a horse with bar plates on (as Jose alluded to). They are a last resort for horses who have major, MAJOR foot problems.