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Old 29th March 2013, 11:56 PM
evajb001 evajb001 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 453

Sent you an email UB,

Will definitely keep you posted Speedy, I find the Neurals interesting as well. I've tried the whole do your own ratings thing but since I don't have a database I think its just pointless as i'm just basically guessing what factors to weight higher and by the time I do trial and error and see what works it could take me a decade. At least with the Neurals they are already done for you and all you have to do is simply adjust them to suit your needs or to what you believe yields the best result.

I wish I had a database because i'm a real numbers guy and love trial and error with facts and figures. Considering I work in financial planning thats no real surprise but I almost enjoy the thrill of the chase of finding a holy grail (something I can consistently bet to make me some bonus money on the side) rather then actually achieving it.

Anyhow it will be about another 2-3 weeks before I can give any kind of indication as to how my process is going but will certainly keep you all posted.
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