Thread: Neural Settings
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Old 30th March 2013, 04:51 PM
evajb001 evajb001 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 453

Thanks UB for that reply, ill track myself as well shortly just for interest sake.

I decided to back my top adjusted neurals rater today using half kelly staking with the winning probability set to an average of my assigned winning % based on neurals and the winning % of the neurals top rater from all previous recorded events in races with the same or similar details. The following are the stats:

30 bets today 9 (30%) winners 17 (56%) placings
Average Winning Odds = $4.70
Average Place Odds = $1.84

Winners - Flat Stakes
Outlay $300
Profit $123
POT 41.00%

Winners - Half Kelly
Outlay $280.14
Profit $90.10
POT 32.16%

Placing - Flat Stakes
Outlay $300
Profit $30.50
POT 10.17%

Placing - Half Kelly
Outlay $280.14
Profit $1.20
POT 2.41%

Anyway just thought i'd post the results, guess flat stakes worked the best, wonder what the result would've been if I did some kind of chasing.
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