26th June 2004, 04:27 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Border NSW/QLD
Posts: 374
Hi Chuck,
That sounds prettyu good to me as i used to do that myself to a few months back. The only thing i have found out with this system so far is that at the moment it is finding consistent winners daily and all ups that i have been taking are showing a major loss but if i scrubbed odds on favs and then bet for win only on level stakes it is showing consistent winners like i am getting the odd $13 winner but im also getting consistent $4-5 winners to which is really what i am after is trying to find my rated horses or dogs that are not the fav but the second and third fav. Now all im after is something that can provide me with the placegetters so that i can get consistent trifectas. Maybe i am being greedy at the moment i dont know but i have a few ideas i have been tossing around so if anything promising comes up ill post it for everyone. Anyway good luck tomorrow and remember any favs that are shorter then 6-4 or 2-1 leave them alone and just concentrate on the longer prices and i am sure that saturdaY WILL BE A WINNING DAY. gOOD LUCK AND GOOD PUNTING