Thread: Vipbet
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Old 4th May 2013, 09:15 PM
SpeedyBen SpeedyBen is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 464

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
Never heard of them. But guaranteed liquidity for laying longshots would be very useful for me even if they are similar/same as betfair as long as they are not significantly higher.
Don't bother UB. When i try to lay a longshot for a $500 liability I get asked if I will accept $200. I rang a rep of theirs who seems like a good bloke and asked him why they would refuse a bet when their liability was about $20 ( mine was 500 ) and he said it didn't seem right and that he would check and get back to me the following Monday. That was two weeks ago and I haven't heard a word.
On the positive side I won $600 during the trial and since and I had no trouble making my first withdrawal for that amount.
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