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Old 18th June 2002, 10:07 AM
Equine Investor Equine Investor is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 740

On 2002-06-18 08:34, hermes wrote:
Thanks Equine Investor. When you say circle the top three, measured by what? Do you mean saddlecloths 1, 2 and 3? Or the three best horses measured by place averages, or what?

hermes, yes I mean saddlecloths 1,2,3 because they are the topweights made by the handicapper in most cases. Also if there is a scratching just treat it as a non runner do not go down to number 4. The methodology behind this system is great when you look at it overall.
1. Most races are won by either 1,2, or 3 saddlecloth.
2. If it's a last start winner you know the horse is fit. (Don't back it if it is coming back from a spell, I.E. first up)
3. Most races are won by the top three jockeys on the premiership table. (And you know you have a jockey riding your horse with experience and a high strike rate of winners).

The odds will not be great on these horses but they range from odds -on to $10.00 with the average being about $4.00. The strike rate is very high approaching above the 70% mark providing you stick to the rules!

Recent winners include...

Ruby Slipper $2.00
Storm Attack $1.90
Robert Royale $4.50
We're Dancing $3.60

Just to name a few.

As far as adding up the numbers of previous starts, I don't hold much confidance with that as it doesn't take into account class of race, such as a win at Rosehill Grp 1 or a maiden at Kembla Grange!

Also it doesn't matter if a horse finished 8th, if it was 1 length from the winner, or it may have finished 3rd 5 lengths from the winner.

[ This Message was edited by: Equine Investor on 2002-06-18 11:11 ]
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