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Old 18th May 2013, 08:12 PM
UselessBettor UselessBettor is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,501

Originally Posted by Mark
The 95 -98% that lose do so because they are lazy.
Fully agree

Originally Posted by Mark
If you go into this venture expecting to lose then I suggest you stop right now.

Partially agree. There is always going to be a learning curve in the beginning. Long term you should expect to win.

Originally Posted by Mark
I write this as someone who today won on 20 of 27 races worked, and who has only had 1 losing day this month. Not bragging, just stating fact.

Your doing really well Mark. I can't boast your numbers. I'm up considerably this month but I have had 3 losing days out of the last 30. I think what you can take out of that is with both have our methods (which are completely different) but they both have an extremely high winning rate and a good profit to go along with it. Its no good having a one without the other.

Originally Posted by Mark
The first thing you need in this game is.....Discipline. If you don't have it, give up.
Or the ability to implement discipline with software. Software can overcome this fault but only if one holds true to the method and doesn't go changing it often.

Originally Posted by Mark
It beats me how people go into this game thinking they will just win, without working at it. People who run successful businesses are then haphazard with their punting. It's like any other business. The harder you work the luckier you get.

Horse racing is associated with higher risk so people think that means they will get rich quick.
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