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Old 19th May 2013, 10:28 AM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
The problem is ... You will hit a loser as it is inevitable so you need to make enough to cover your 0.28% and also make up for the inevitable loser which will come every 350+ bets if you lay at 350:1)
Well UB, you've got the big database, when was the last time a $350 BF Lay or SP was hit. Interesting to know.

The purpose of this post was more to highlight how powerful compounding can be and then splitting stakes to reduce risk. As well as not increasing stakes with NEW money, instead using what you've already made so your original capital is preserved. Now I know these methods are used by yourself as you have always been concerned when someone on a supposed winning streak just doubles their stake!
Thanks RP
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