22nd May 2013, 01:27 PM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 462
Originally Posted by Rinconpaul
Good when your studies amount to something! I had the choice between Lil Nina and Falpollo to Lay so I referred to my $30 plus Betfair spreadsheet (see thread DNA of a longshot winner) and saw that FS > $30 have 5% WSR and resumers 15% so I went with Lil Nina thank God!
I was nearly going to post at the beginning of the day that we were due a longshot coming home as we never had one at all yesterday.
The bad news was that I wasn't watching when it won. The good news was that I was recording the day's races for another project I'm working on.
Do you think it would be wiser to have more on the first uppers than the unraced brigade?