22nd May 2013, 07:54 PM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743
Originally Posted by SpeedyBen
What exactly does 10% back/lay ratio mean, RP?
I hat eto ask dumb questions so I hope this is not one.
The enemy of the Dutch backer, bot placed. If the spread between Back & Lay on one of your selections is say $14B ~ $20L and your bot tries to place a bet at $14 and it's not matched! It then goes SP, because of the wide price spread the SP could end up anywhere between the spread or even outside it. That's when you kiss your Dutch profit goodbye.
The tighter the spread, within say 10% the less you can get tilted! In Bhag's case he just didn't want the difference between actual probability of a win defined by Back odds and the odds you get as a layer to be too far away from reality. That's why I believe the long term profit is in Laying the 1st Fav. The difficulty is coming up with a set of filters to identify a false favourite across the board. It was easy to filter $30 + selections to identify potential winners. 1st Favs is still work in progress.
Sorry if I got you, Beton & LG in trouble yesterday, but I had a great laugh which is good for you!
My next project is to define how to grade filters in order of importance when you combine the filters of different selection methods?
Have a good night, RP