26th May 2013, 08:51 AM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 1,534
Originally Posted by syllabus23
I don't think that calling anyone an Ape has any racial connotations.Some people just look for offence,they love it.
Different people will find different words offensive unfortunately. I think the more the world gets politically correct the more people take offence to things which were not meant to be offensive.
we are getting into a touchy area here and I don't want to go down that path but I think as the world gets more politically correct people feel they have a right to complain anytime someone says something they don't like even if the underlying meaning was not meant to be a sexist, racial, etc point.
Take the politicians at the moment, Gillard basically pulling the sexist card anytime anyone in the opposition says something she doesn't like ... she feels she has the right to pull that card even though the argument has nothing to do with it.