Thread: The Tina Turner
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Old 28th May 2013, 01:13 PM
garyf garyf is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 360

[QUOTE=TheSchmile]Hi mate,

Hope you're well and the jump shots are 'swishing' through the basket!

I forgot your no F+M races rule, one which I think is a bottler!!

I came up with this idea on the fly, so some refinement is still required.

I was looking for a starting point for the time-poor punter who wants a quick way to sift through the chaff.

I'm now strictly a Saturday only punter, mostly Sydney/Melbourne and traveling north on occasions such as this when the racing is at its best in QLD. I find it gives me more time to really assess the form with the early nominations. Coming up with system ideas is a fun hobby!!

Hope you're still hitting them for six Garyf!!

"Jump shots swishing through the basket"
Sadly a fading memory (L.O.L.)

My days at M.S.A.C. are now refined to refereeing and teaching others,
I am still coaching in state league.

The punt has taken on a different course, doing the form, videos, downloading ratings doing markets etc after 5> years while very profitable has burnt me out.

I am now involved in using a set of ratings and applying mechanical filters,
To bet on.

While this is still 7 days a week the workload and stress levels are much better.

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