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Old 29th May 2013, 10:19 PM
PaulD01 PaulD01 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 333

Originally Posted by Vortech
Ok - What I was trying to see is if over time the starting price or avg dividend dropped by 50c this would affect the long-term profitability of the system.

If long-term your system is showing around 45% strike rate and many of horses in the future are priced $1.50 (underlay) as most ratings people say, would you consider only those over the assessed price?

Hi Vortech

You raise a valid question however it would be almost impossible mathematically for the current average dividend which stands at $2.25 (5/3/10 to 28/5/13 - 2,742 sample size) and a long term strike rate which is currently 46.4% to move downward towards an average dividend of $1.75 (50c drop) without the propensity for the strike rate to move upwards to around 60% and in doing so maintain the same POT of 4.61%.

As stated in my last post, it is more than feasible to expect that you can improve the average dividend to around $2.34-$2.36 by obtaining top fluctuation. Of course having the ability to generate these or other potential system qualifiers well in advance of the race is a significant asset.

Hope that helps.

Paul Daily - Ratings2Win Pty Ltd (Director)
R2W Axis - Axis is Australia's leading horse racing software and database; with sophisticated form analysis tools and accurate performance ratings that include Hong Kong.
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