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Old 8th June 2013, 02:40 PM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743

Part 3

One of the pluses with laying Odds/On selections is that because the odds are less than evens, we get a greater return than our original stake/liability. For the backers they get less back! The downside is that odds/on horses win more than they lose to compensate. This is not always the case, and will be detailed in another post.

So providing the horses keep losing and you keep Laying you're a long way in front of the Backers. Now this can be a double edged sword because if at the same time as we Lay the favourite, we Dutch Back the field, we can double our profit!

Look at the attached image of the Betfair results for a race won by "Pinpoint" @ $1.53 SP. Let's say "Pinpoint" lost, it makes no difference to the prices.

"Pinpoint" loses and our profit for $100 liability is (100/1.53-1)*0.935 = $176.41
At the same time we 'Back the Field' using a Dutching calculator (best done by a bot) that I've shown as well.

The result is a profit of $213.43 less commission = $199.55 on top of the $176.41........A total of $375.96

One qualification, your Dutching bot is placing SP bets so there is going to be slippage of stakes v final prices as the SP prices aren't known till after the race starts. Sometimes it can work in your favour, sometimes against. For the purposes of all future tutorials we will assume that your Dutch bet was successful and work on a total profit of 2 x Lay win as profit.
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