10th June 2013, 04:11 AM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743
TAB #1
Trawling through old posts I came across one by CP from 2004. Stats on TAB #1 winning = 17.31% metro races.
Then another by CP from 2013 1st Favourite wins between 31.7% and 36.5%.
It got me thinking, if TAB #1 is also the favourite, does it improve the % Win stike rate anymore?
I looked at yesterdays results 54% WSR and Backing at $100 level stakes a $683 profit.
Cranbourne R9 $380
Hobart R9 -$100
Kalgoorlie R1 -$100
Kalgooorlie R2 -$100
Pt Augusta R2 $225
Pt Augusta R3 $170
Sunshine Coast R1 $112
Sunshine Coast R2 -$100
Sunshine Coast R3 -$100
Sunshine Coast R6 $71
Swan Hill R7 $225