Thread: Mister 10%
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Old 10th June 2013, 01:29 PM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743

Originally Posted by TheSchmile
Hi RP,

Another interesting post as usual!!

Your theory holds water during one day of betting activity, however doesn't the fact that you go again the next day, then increase your chance of hitting a loser? Not if you hit 2 losers (as was the case) just after you locked your profit away. You'd be starting today off 1 x liability down and made nothing yesterday.

With my Odds/On longterm system, yes I have to run it all day every day come what may, to get the Edge, based on turnover to work for me.

This trial of "Mister 10%" is a 'smash and grab', then run the bot on simulation to record the results. After a week or two I'll decide whether I've missed out on any loss/profit by not running it continuosly.

Today, first bet was a loss, so I've got the rest of the day to recoup, "hopefully"??
Thanks for your interest, always appreciated.
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