10th June 2013, 03:06 PM
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 743
Another example of filters within filters and how they can turbocharge your profits.
On the image, the greyed out section is already a filter of another group with 'maidens' and 'no change' & 'down in class' removed.
As a group it's showing a Lay the Fav, Dutch Back the field profit of $446.27 ($100 liability)
Then I have filtered it again to get two more sub groups, one to Lay, the other to Back. Can you spot what filters are used to get the two smaller groups??
Selections meeting the criteria of the top group signal a "L" and a resulting profit of $446. At the same time a second "L" or "B" signal is generated and more bets are placed resulting in another two profits, $1,259 & $381 compounding our original proft, (Beware it can also work the other way and accelerate your losses, but not as bad as when I was trading futures...lol)
In total a profit of $2,086 for a turnover of $4,700 or 44% POT
The original group, I took the greyed out selections from, was showing a breakeven scenario and that was taken from the mother sample which was showing a loss. This is how you get "blood from a stone!"