Thread: Greyhound Tips
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Old 2nd July 2004, 06:11 PM
Merriguy Merriguy is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 609

Sportz, I think I know what you are doing with regard to the Unitab 100 raters --- you have given plenty of suggestions thru your tips. Thanks.

What I would like to know from anyone out there is the status, class, or whatever of the various meetings. Using your ideas, Sportz, it seems that there are certain meetings which simply do not "produce". If we could isolate these then the profit would improve immeasurably.

For instance today's Singleton meeting produced only 2/7 for the 100 raters as I think Sportz is applying them. Whereas Albion Park produced 3/3 (or 4/4 if you are happy with two 100 raters in a race); and Cranbourne produced 4/5 :???:
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