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Old 15th July 2013, 04:39 PM
dave101 dave101 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 107

Finally looks like problem solved. Rang Waterhouse today and asked the rep if it was ok if I recorded our conversation on my little tape. He said he didn't want me to do that but it did make him realise I was serious.

He went to some extra trouble and found I had 2 email addresses on their system. The reason being they had taken over the bankrupt Sports Acumen which was how I ended up with an account with Waterhouse. They had the email I had with Sports Acumen (and closed years) as well as my current one.

They has stopped the one (that didn't exist anymore) but not my current one. He guaranteed it would be stopped from today.

Complicated mess finally sorted. People having trouble with any business, asking them if you can tape the call is a good way of making them listen.

Cheers and thanks for the advice
When I want to understand what is happening today or try to decide what will happen tomorrow, I look back... Omar Khayyam-1099
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