Thread: RaceCensus
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Old 15th July 2013, 05:57 PM
Barny Barny is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1,091

Righto stugots, let me say that firstly I would classify a winning system as one that stands the test of time, however it can have it's losing periods then come back to a winning period. There are also systems that rely on a huge number of bets and target a small POT, then there's the systems that have few bets but target a large POT. I've concentrated on systems that have few bets and I have five that I regularly bet and two of these systems just keep winning, have done for decades and will continue to do so as they're logical and concentrate on "winners keep winning". Having said that the best thing this database has done is that it's fair dinkum destroyed "truisms" and long held beliefs of racing and exposed the very random nature of racing results.

If you can't use 12 years+ worth of data and use it to your advantage then you shouldn't be betting.
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