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Old 15th July 2013, 08:29 PM
ianian ianian is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 74

That wasnt quite what i was looking for but good anyway thanks.

So to explain better it dosent matter where the wins were by metro i ment running at a B/S/M/A city meeting not country or prov.

By winning 2 wins this prep = x9101 two wins this prep and won last start ,dosent matter how many runs this prep just two wins or more this prep and won last start.

Last start winner and only one win this prep x651 i does not matter how many runs 1,2,7,9 but only win last start this prep.

I was wondering if there was any diffrence to backing last start winners with the i win verses 2 wins this prep i will say yes ??? - its properly not much but its one of those things you sort of notice but you mind remembers what it wants or what you want to see not like a data base at all.

I have no idea how hard it is to run somthing like this so thanks if you can or cant.
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