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Old 9th August 2013, 08:59 AM
evajb001 evajb001 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 453

Hi Guys,

Apologies for not emailing last night, my mate just got back from Adelaide where he had a knee reconstruction on two of his ligaments after dislocating his knee (not just the knee cap, the entire joint got dislocated). I might include a picture for those of you I send a reply email too as it's something your unlikely to see again.

Speedy, thanks for the reply, you were one of the ones I was hoping might be interested as you seem like a laid back kind of guy that likes to try new methods similar to me. I'll hunt through my inbox and find your email to get back to you shortly.

TJ - I agree now, really $400 is just missing out on a couple of weekends drinking or eating out a few times so really is a flash in the pan compared to what it may bring in if i'm dilligent enough.

Yeh saving for my first property, been investing in shares since I started my job 4 and half years ago to use as a deposit. Got a portfolio worth $86k now but thats inclusive of a $33k margin loan so still got some ways to go. Made some bad calls on small companies when I first started and was eager to make a quick buck, luckily since then i've invested in some high quality companies that have served me well.

Still, its tough trying to find the right property, although i'm getting close.
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