Thread: Flexi Tips
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Old 6th July 2004, 12:00 PM
mystic mystic is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: sydney
Posts: 90

Thankyou for your replies.... Maverick I will give that a go, seems as though my chances would be alot better, thanks for that. Just wandering I have a fair idea about good and bad barriers, but what would you describe them as? The more advice from people in the know the better I think.

Saturday shall be the tester and I hope me numbers come in.

Ya know one day I was in the TAB and there was this joke he was putting in trifecta after trifecta through the machines to the total of 600 odd dollars..ever since that day I cant help wonder if he came out on top.He seemed to have his own little system happening there, I was almost half tempted to pull him aside and


[ This Message was edited by: mystic on 2004-07-06 13:07 ]
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