4th September 2013, 05:51 PM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 102
Originally Posted by PaulD01
Hi rails run
By the sounds of it many of the columns of data that you have are not unique in nature in as much as stats including distance, TAB#, race class, gender, ratings, barrier, dividends, etc, etc.
What type of unique data are you wanting to import and analyse? I am suggesting that this is all that matters because we have the rest already.
Hi Paul
Without knowing all your data columns/filters I'm not sure how to list what I have that is unique. You raise a good point as there would be some overlays of data for sure. I am certain, however, that I record certain data that is not surveyed by too many people. Would it be ok if I call you tomorrow to have a general discussion?
“Everyone’s got a plan. Until they get hit”. -Mike Tyson