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Old 29th October 2013, 12:41 PM
Rinconpaul Rinconpaul is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 755
Thumbs down

I don't always agree with the stuff PaulD01 puts out, but I do agree with this quote re the AAP Pre Post,"It is nothing more than a subjective/predictive rating that has been adopted in order to provide something to the masses to facilitate TAB turnover"

For me it's purely a marketing tool and you can convert it into any percentage you like, it counts for nothing. It's a hype tool. Most punters haven't got a clue who to Back in a race. Think about it, a bunch of brickies knock off early, call into the club to have a drink and a punt, pick up a Tele, look at the prepost and go, "Yeah, this 2nd favourite looks like a bit of value" and Back it? The whole pre post scenario doesn't rate as a tool in the kit of a serious punter, IMO.
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